Dr. Taz Elizabeth Varkey is a board certified Obstetrician Gynecologist. She obtained her undergraduate degree in Biochemistry at UCLA. She then obtained her medical degree by completing her basic science education at Tulane Medical School in New Orleans, Louisiana and her clinical years at USC Keck School of Medicine in Los Angeles. Finally, she completed her four year Ob/Gyn residency at Cedars Sinai Medical Center.
After residency, she spent 8 years with Cedars Sinai Medical Group before she finally started her own private practice over 10 years ago. In total, she has been practicing as an Ob/Gyn for almost 18 years. During this time she has maintained close ties with the Department of Ob/Gyn at Cedars Sinai Medical Center by serving on the Performance Improvement Committee for the past 8 years. She was most currently treasurer of the Department of Ob/Gyn and serves on the hospital’s Continuing Medical Education Committee. She works hard to stay up to date with current medical practices by attending weekly conferences both at the hospital and around the country. She renews her board certification yearly with the American Board of OB/Gyn and remains an active member of the American College of Ob/Gyn. She also independently studies and eagerly investigates any topic that will help her solve a particularly difficult patient case. Lastly, she works closely with the residents at Cedars Sinai as an Attending Physician and in her capacity as Volunteer Teaching Faculty with the department. The residents keep her “on her toes” and are a wonderful part of her clinical life and the medical community at Cedars.
Dr Varkey is married and is also a mother herself. She has two college aged daughters and a dog – Maggie – who keeps her company now that her girls are gone!